Ok, as I said on the news I will be making a Clan Rank page. I have officially done it. Oh yeah, If you do not know how to do these: |. I can tell you. Basically you just hold shift then next to that button will be a : and a \. Just hold shift and press the button. Ok, your names will appear like this depending on your rank:
|CL|[Warpeeps] Warpeeps. Or like this:
|VL|[Warpeeps] Hahavis.
Here are the ranks: Clan Leader(CL); Me(Warpeeps). Vice Leader(VL); Hahavis. High General(HG); kUBA[G]. Liutenant(L); Trooper. Private(P); Bih-Corpus, Matrix, Constricter, Redjeans00, MYD. All those the names I haven't called out are near the risk of getting kicked. Here are what your names should look like now:
|CL|[Warpeeps] Warpeeps
|VL|[Warpeeps] Hahavis
|HG|[Warpeeps] kUBA[G]
|L|[Warpeeps] Trooper
|P|[Warpeeps] Bih-Corpus
|P|[Warpeeps] Matrix
|P|[Warpeeps] Constricter
|P|[Warpeeps] Redjeans00
|P|[Warpeeps] MYD
Also, I have been recently watching the performances of two people. I watched them fight and fight. They are a pretty good team. Scores like 20-0 and 14-0. It was certainly impressive. The names will go on the History page which I will also make. The names are: Hahavis and Trooper! Congratualations!